I, for one, welcome our celebrity witch overlords

Diana Rajchel
7 min readFeb 14, 2024

Because I’m teaching at Witchcon this weekend, the Meta algorithm has served me with much of its advertising. I’ve had my head down, preparing my own material for the workshop I’ll be teaching online this Sunday — but here and there the big names of the convention have risen to my attention.

Image copyright Columbia Pictures, source MovieStillsDB

One of them, Rachel True, is one of the four lead actresses from the 1996 movie The Craft. True has created True Heart Intuitive Tarot, and will be teaching a workshop on tarot and the hero’s journey at Witchcon. When I saw the ad, there were mostly positive comments and Craft nostalgia. Still, a few highlighted issues that have been biases and bugaboos in magickal communities forever, especially around fame. The initial standout comments I noticed were a couple criticizing True for being another “celebrity intruder” (not the exact phrasing used, just the feel of the comments) in witchcraft. Sadly, I did not think to screenshot until after I scrolled on and realized I was still mad about the comments. They disappeared by the time the ad came back up on my feed.

In that now-disappeared comment thread, someone quickly pointed out that True has earned her place in the spiritual community as much as anyone and that her knowledge of the tarot is respected. The second time I found the ad, I couldn’t find those posts attempting to dismiss her presence…



Diana Rajchel

Internationally published author and speaker on matters spiritual, occult, and subversive. Passionate gardener and urbanist with too much on her mind. She/they