From Information Sharing to Manipulation and Consent Violation: the Insidious Rulership of the Modern Algorithm

Diana Rajchel
4 min readJan 15, 2024
Image by Markus-Spiske on Unsplash

I don’t remember much about algorithms from my Algebra II class in high school. My neighbor worked for the power company as an engineer and tutored me in the pattern and math behind it. I knew just enough to pass my class with a B. I don’t think, back in 1993, that we even discussed how algorithms were applied. Social media wasn’t a thing; the closest we had to dating apps were lonely hearts postings on cable television, and generally, once you left the town you attended high school in, you could rest reasonably assured that you would never hear from those assholes ever again.

What has given certain intrusive and inflated personalities the conviction that only their convictions should matter? There are probably many things, but the corporate application of algorithm science has NOT helped.

Who knew that the engineering math I stumbled through in high school would lead to some of the most destructive aspects of modern life.
Then an immature Harvard fuck decided to rate the digital photos of non-consenting women, and it led to the creation of Facebook. Because Mark Zuckerberg’s entire career makes it clear he does NOT give a flying fuck about consent, let alone the consent of his users, he introduced algorithms to social media — and…



Diana Rajchel

Internationally published author and speaker on matters spiritual, occult, and subversive. Passionate gardener and urbanist with too much on her mind. She/they